Luke Gearing. 2021
# Additional Resources:
Terror of the Stratosfiend - Cycle of the Snake-Wolf
Orbital Intelligence. 2020
Terror of the Stratosfiend - Cycle of the Snake-Wolf 2 - Return to the Shattered Woods
Orbital Intelligence. 2022
Terror of the Stratosfiend - Cycle of the Snake-Wolf 3 - The Scales of Hyper-Visor God or The Final Voyage of the Crab King
Orbital Ingelligence. 2023
# Notes:
Using Violence for rules and custom homebrew rulings when needed.
1. U.S. Postal Inspecting Service Agent, Stew, just Stew, he is inspecting several charges for illicit drugs or dangerous substances, dealt with a lot of wild animals that are being smuggled
2. Lex Decker (although X refers to them as papa Gino [from 90 day fiance), 5’3”, wears a black suit with a piano necktie that is cut in half and black gloves with tennis shoes (Nike Air Max [all black]). All of his gear
3. Nikki (doesn’t go by Nichole), 65 years of age, an agent of the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms…
2024-02-28 – XXXX-XX-XX
# The Log
1: A state park in North Virginia
Find the Shattered Woods and the village's location within it beyond the state park.
The players roll up in separate vehicles, sticking to themselves and vaping.
Characters rolled a d6 on the rumor table.
Stew, Decker, and Nikki (after all rollings 2s) have interviewed people and heard familiar stories of distant family members healed after talking to *The Enigmatic One* inside the woods.
Two Blackhawk helicopters land in the field near the players in their vehicles. The Characters load their gear into the first Blackhawk and board it.
They fly for 2 hours as the sun begins to set. From a window in the Blackhawk the players see a tree walking through the other trees, seamlessly.
Nikki says she believes in Ents.
The back of the Blackhawk gets smacked and begins spinning in 360s. The pilots of the Blackhawk tell the Characters they must make an emergency landing.
The Blackhawk crashes as the Characters roll a d20 to attempt to secure themselves as best they can.
Nikki 1, Decker 10, Stew 14
Nikki is 75’ off the ground, hanging from a Pine-tree. Decker and Stew remain in the Blackhwak. The pilot is dead, the copilot is dead, and no one has seen the second Blackhawk which was following them (from behind [to fully support the mission.])
Decker says oh shit and Stew asks if the Pine-trees are moving.
Niki asks Decker and Stew ask if they can get her down from this tree and how she feels like a fish up in the tree.
Nikki sees hawks or eagles nests up here.
Nikki sees a mud put in the distance.
The Characters hear guttural sounds in the distance; no Pine-trees move.
Decker attaches one of his walky-talkies to his drone.
Deckers fly the drone up to Nikki in the Pine-tree.
Nikki (who is skilled at climbing [rolls with an advantage of 1d6] decides to climb down. She rolls on 1 on the d6 and a 1 on the d20.
*everyone laughs at that*
Decker says if you die I can just put you in the regeneration tank (heals you 3x faster) and we’ll just use the helicopter battery?
Nikki gets injured.
**(roll for down?)**
Decker stands creeping over her body and goes hehe, and everything said I was a fool for bringing my humanoid cell regeneration tank but here we are.
The Characters hear guttural sounds in the distance; no Pine-trees move.
Decker says oh shit quick quick hide back in the helicopter with her broken body, and we’ll use her multitool plier and ugh, i got the battery of the helicopter.
Nikki is skilled in electrical engineering.
Decker says he is skilled in jump and the occult and that he can sacrifice her to Satan. She’s the one with medicine, biology, and electrical engineering.
Decker laughs.
Decker says a sixty-five year old woman, who’s all fucked up and shit.
Decker says maybe she can just tell us how to use my own regeneration tank.
Working together, Nikki and Decker rolled with advantage. They beat the 14 difficulty I set with their 19.
The Characters hear guttural sounds in the distance; Pine-trees are knocked over.
Decker says we gotta get the hell out of this forest folks, we gotta get clear of these trees!
Nikki says because theres Ents?
Decker says Ents yes Ents.
Stew says I would have never have thought about that, getting attacking, mainly mauled by anything, any beast, and right now, now it’s trees, I would have never thought about that but, damn I prefer right now the tigers.
Nikki says I don’t it is trees, I think it’s people, the thing about it is, I would rather it be trees.
Decker says I just know Korean.
The party is given 1 round to ‘plan’ before combat.
Decker says the tree-man is coming.
Decker asks if the military helicopter has attached guns on the back.
It only has forward facing guns for the pilots.
Decker says so what we’re gonna do…
Nikki asks if her e-echo absorption banlges can help her heal faster in the pod.
Decker takes four of Nikki’s pink smoke grenades and hands Stew two.
Decker gives Stew a walky-talky (they each have one now).
Decker says we’re gonna have the walky-talkies.
Stew says O.K.
Nikki says she longs for the fight.
Decker says yeah so we’ll leave you your useless ugh echo absorption bangles and multitool pliers for the giant tree-man to kill you with and ugh Stew do you wanna ugh head North and I’ll head out west or do we wanna head out in the same direction together, We’ll head out in the same direction together, but we will go North, yes Nikki you’re in the iron lung and we need the tree-man to not be here, but we gonna run for it, we’re gonna run for it, we’re running for it, but the tree-man is also gonna come to the iron lung.
Nikki says they’re leaving me for dead.
Decker talks over; Nikki doesn’t stop talking.
Decker says we’re gonna try to get the tree-man to chase us someplace different.
Nicki says you’re jealous and you’re leaving me for dead because of how pretty I am.
Decker says yes we’re not even gonna leave you a walky-talky to talk to you when you come back.
Decker says just kidding we’re gonna leave you a walky-talky and me and Stew will staying together.
Decker sends his drone out from within the helicopter to see where the tree-man is at.
Tree-man can’t be seen. The Sounds have been coming from the south side of the helicopter.
Nikki says is it a tree-person, I’m so fucking confused?
Decker says it could be a fiddy foot treet man.
Nikki says it could be the Wizard of OZ or it could be a man in a ghillie suit, he’s a fifty foot man in a ghillie suit.
The feed from the drone’s camera displays to Decker a Dryad moving through the pine-trees like holograms. One of it’s legs have been cut off at the knee cap.
Stew says I’m wondering what did it.
Nikki says from the helicopter.
Nikki says I hope you guys are happy that I can’t help.
Decker says he knows marital arts and throws a pink smoke grenade at the Dryad (he rolled a d6 plus a d20 for advantage [he got a 4 and a 1]).
The pink smoke bomb isn’t thrown in a good enough position to conceal the character’s movement out of the iron lung (formerly known as the Blackhawk helicopter).
Stew throws a pink smoke grenade (rolls a d20 [he gets 19]).
The Characters are concealed by the pink smoke grenade and the sounds of the Dryad hopping closer are heard.
Decker says he is going to run away until he get’s tired and then take out his lighter and start a forest fire.
Stew says I think it’s good that we don’t have some guy from the E.P.A. right now, he would turn on us.
Decker says domestic agriculture can bite it, ya know, just kidding.
All Decker has is his lighter and he runs out and starts trying to light a forest fire to piss off the Dryad. Pine needles everywhere and shit.
The pink smoke is going off at the rear of the chopper. The blades have ceased movement but you still hear the motor. The pilot and copilot have been impaled. There was a second helicopter but yall haven’t seen them and lost contact with them since the crash. The characters still have a lot of gear in the helicopter at the moment. Lots of heavy pelican cases, mostly belonging to Decker.
Stew begins collecting everything that he can carry.
Stew grabs the laptop and the satellite phone.
Stew uses the last cover of the pink smoke grenade and flees towards Decker.
We rolled intitative.
Nikki is alone in the iron lung.
For a moment it’s silent.
the entire iron lung is tossed 30 feet into the air.
Nikki managed to roll well enough to wedge herself into the iron lung and remains good.
Nikki’s gets out of the pod and hides. She makes it looks like is still in the pod though.
Nikki sees the dryad as the pink smoke grenade fades.
Nikki shoots her gun at the dryad; shooting at the roots.
She misses.
Nikki says she thinks she will die.
Niiki says she jsut embrassed herself infront of a tree person.
Decker says he’s been training his whole life for this moment. he runs 50 feet towrdas the dryad and busts out his fingerless telekinetic amp gloves and within 10 feet of the dryad Decker crouches down and pucnhes at the dryad’s balls area, like hadouken hadoken.
Decker says he is karate chopping him in the throat and balls (with advantage for knowing martial arts).
Decker and the Dryad are injured and they both go down.
Both of Decker’s gloves are broken (by range or broke broke? [it’s unknown at the moment]).
Nikki says OMG it broke your telekinesis gloves, that’s the only cool thing you had.
Decker says I throw these gloves away like trinkets.
Decker says he’ll figure something out.
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