3 days ago word got back
to captain butler
and the soldiers in the town of tonio
regarding the ruination
of the nearby small town
and the murdered prisoners
and the murdered soldiers
who were tasked with delivering the amber fluid
to those cursed with the plague
i have been ordered to find the scoundrels
find the amber fluid
find the town named herillo
and find 3 men to go with me
we set out with our horses
11 days of provisions
and an annoying soldier
named dewey
who wouldn't stop playing the harmonica
they are planning to map this region
with a paper and a pencil
we traveled for 3 days
only saw huge lizards on the way
to kendee
where we were greeted by a shirtless man
outside of a mud/brick home
wearing an eyepatch
firing his pistol at us
warning us to stay away
"don't come any closer" he said
shooting wildly at our horses
eugene said something about us being soldiers from the empire of texas
"they burnt down the town" he said
he was saying some soldiers of the empire burnt down the town
"if you really are the empire of texas, god bless texas and those motherfuckers went south, get on walking" he said shooting at us again
he went on for a while about the emperor
saying he wanted to talk to the emperor of texas
hell, none of us had ever met the emperor
as we rode past the house
i turned my head to peak in the window
i could see 4 women inside
3 holding guns
1 holding a broom
1 of them pregnant
later that afternoon we found 4 men walking
said they had come from uero
and if we went there we could talk to a gentleman named river porter
if we needed supplies or something
sylvester asked them if they had seen anyone sick with the plague around here
one of the 4 men said "you see that sad sob right there"
pointing to his friend
"we killed their cousin who had the plague"
i got off my horse
took the 4 men's ammo
and left each of them with 1 bullet
44 extra bullets will give us a real upper-hand
taxes for the empire
we camped for the 4th night safely again
and by the next afternoon
we could see the border of the empire of texas in the distance
and a small fort building
with the flag of the empire waving over it
in the middle of the broken assphalt
with the ugly glass growing
through its cracks
from our distance it looked empty
but as we rode our horses closer
we could see people in the windows
boy we were happy then
as we rode closer they started shooting as us
reyes was shot down
we fired back and took out 2 of them through the windows
we took cover and i applied a tourniquet to reyes
things were quiet
we didn't know how many were inside
we snuck into a window
i shot one of the scoundrels with my rifle like 6 times
dewey went after one with his sabre and cut this poor bastard's hand off
but before sylvester could kill the last man
that last man
with a sabre in his hand
cut off dewey's head
next session we will load up the amber fluid and see what else we can find of use in the house before we leave the only land we've known, the empire of texas, and find the town of herillo
i took dewey's harmonica
paper and pencil
i'm going to map this land
for dewey
you can find the rules to play violence on luke's blog
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